ADEPTLY AFRICA – Version Control (VerCon)


ADEPTLY Version Control for Adroit SCADA

Adeptly VerCon is a software package with a set of very simple but important goals. The main aim of the software is to ensure that changes made to key Adroit SCADA file types are recorded. The monitored file is stored and encrypted in a proprietary data store automatically, for safekeeping and recovery should it be necessary to roll back to an earlier version.

VerCon supports 3 modes of operation:

  1. Standalone Adroit SCADA Version Control In this mode, the application runs entirely self-contained and autonomously, in that the user will effectively have no interaction with the system unless a file needs to be restored.
  2. Mixed Mode Adroit SCADA and Third Party Version Control In this mode, the system will make a copy of the file being backed up available for third party consumption, while running as in standalone mode.
  3. Adroit SCADA and PLC Version Control (versiondog) This mode was developed specifically for a combined Adroit SCADA and multi vendor PLC version control. The system does not backup any files to its proprietary data store but instead only makes

VerCon has 3 mechanisms for providing security:

  1. Encrypted data stores All backed up files are stored in encrypted format in proprietary data stores which completely prevents unauthorised access to any sensitive data / configuration.
  2. Specifically set up security principles Designed to prevent access to Adeptly VerCon application files and folders by anyone other than the user under which the server runs. This applies specifically to the directories in which the proprietary files are stored.
  3. Access Restrictions To facilitate the above folder access restrictions, the Adeptly VerCon service is set to run as a specific user which is created during the install process.
AI rendered image by Wade J Beckett: imagine a charcoal sketch of a cd or dvd package branded for industrial version control software with the main elements highlighted in burned orange. The name "ADEPTLY AFRICA" and "VerCon"appearing on the box, use the provided logo. White background.